Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I'm sitting here tonight feeling like a terrible mother. Elliott fought sleep for over an hour and all he kept saying was, "HOLD! HOLD!", while I was holding him. I just wanted to go put him in his bed and shut the door.

I should have heeded my mother's advice when Elliott was born. DON'T PUT HIM IN YOUR BED! I wish I could have been that mom that would feed him and then lay him in his crib while he was awake, sleepy but awake, and let him learn to go to sleep on his own. This rocking a 22 month old for over an hour is getting tiresome.

I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. Terrible. I know. I have learned my lesson. Next baby will be done by the book. Trust me. I know from experience that when you breastfeed, it's so easy to roll over and just feed the baby and go back to sleep. But a year after I've weaned Elliott, I wish I would have just gotten up and dealt with it then. I LOVED having in our bed and the extra sleep, but now that he is older and more independent, it's harder than I had ever dreamed.

To new mommies out there--You have to do what you feel comfortable with. But take it from a girl who is eating crow. My momma was right! Don't tell her I said that, though. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Potty Training? 3 Days? Really?

I am a member on babycenter.com, if you are pregnant, a new mom, or just a mom in general, this is a great resource! I belong to a message board for parents of September 2009 babies. We all go through the same struggles. Some big. Some little. My current situation is dun dun dun----potty training!

One mom has posted how to potty train in 3 days! You are constantly by your child's side to learn cues of when he/she has to potty. They are to be bare bottomed the 1st 3 months at home and only loose fitting pants while out. It seems extreme, but I'm willing to give it a try!! Here's a link to the article! Enjoy!
