Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Darkest Day That I've Known

Almost 2 months ago my little family went through the worst time in our lives. At 17 weeks gestation, I found out that we had lost our sweet baby. No one can prepare you for what you will feel then, now, or in the days ahead. The only thing that can get you through a tragedy of that magnitude is God. He was there. I felt Him. I can't explain it. Even through my tears and heart break I knew that God was there for me.

As my mom drove me to the hospital that afternoon for emergency surgery, I heard a song that brought so much comfort at the time, as it still does today. I can't sing the song without crying and thinking of that day when we lost our precious gift.

As I sit and think about how much He loves us, it still amazes me.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jumping In!

After thinking for quite some time about starting I blog, I finally did it!! This blog will consist of stories of my everyday life. From being a stay at home mom, being a Proverbs 31 wife, and what's new with my Thirty-One business. And of course many pictures!! 

A little about my self: I'm a 27 year old mother of 2. Yes, I said two. I have Elliott(aka EE) who will  be 2 years old in September. I also have a child waiting for us in heaven. I miscarried on 4.29.11. So whenever I'm asked how many children I have, I will always remember the gift waiting for us there. 

I have been married to my best friend , Bo, for 4 years. We live in a very humble, small home that we live in for free. We have had many struggles trying to settle on where to live and what to do. But isn't that life for you?? :) We are trusting in God to guide us down the correct path.

I am also an independent Thirty-One consultant, which has changed my life forever. Working for a Christian company has been amazing and look forward to many more years doing what I love.

This blog may bore you, but I hope you come back and keep up with the Copleys!